Click on the screenshot above to view the "Linkages" animation by Laszlo Lipot

An image showing the Flash animation logo SWF Flash logo is a link to a Flash animation.

Flash animations are embedded into the pages of all my D&T Modules but there are pictorial links to the animations on this web site so that devices that cannot play Flash animations will at least show a jpeg screenshot of the animation.

If your PC or personal digital assistant (PDA) can play Flash animations you may click on an image showing the Flash animation logo SWF Flash logo to view the animation in a new window.
(Your browser may require you to click "Allow Blocked Content" to view the animation). See info about viewing Flash animations.


A linkage is a system of connected rods and levers that are used to transmit motion and force. Linkages may be used to:

  • change the direction of motion and force
  • change the size of the output motion compared to the size of the input motion
  • create parallel motion
  • change one type of motion into another type of motion.


The linkage above illustrates how the direction of motion and force may be changed.


Linkage transmitting motion and force

The diagram above illustrates how a linkage may be used to:

  • change the direction of motion and force
  • change the size of the output motion compared to the size of the input motion
  • change the size of the output force compared to the size of the input force

Parallel motion linkage

The diagram above illustrates how a linkage may be used to create a parallel motion.


Pantograph linkage

The diagram above illustrates a pantograph linkage. A pantograph is used to copy and rescale shapes and drawings.


Lazt tong linkage


crank and slider linkage

The diagram above illustrates how a linkage is used in a crank and slider mechanism
and how rotary motion is converted into reciprocating motion.


Fret saw parallel arm linkage

Parallel motion linkage used in a parallel arm fret saw.


Fret saw parallel link arm linkage

Linkages connected to two bell crank levers create a near vertical reciprocating sawing action.


Linkages found in a sewing machine.

Sewing machine linkages

The photograph above shows various linkages and levers in a typical sewing machine. Also visible in the photograph is a belt and pulley drive, nylon bevel gears, retaining springs and lubricating grease.

Click here to view a PDF version of this resources. Linkages PDF Linkages PDF
Copyright Laszlo Lipot.